School Information

Arriving At And Leaving The School

  • The school will open to receive pupils at 9.10am.
  • No responsibility is accepted for pupils arriving before this time.
  • Classes will end at 2.00 pm. for Junior and Senior Infant classes, and at 3.00 pm. for the remaining classes.
  • Parents who wish to have their children escorted home should make their own arrangements to have them met at the school gate. The person escorting them should be at the school no later than 2.00 pm for Junior and Senior Infant Classes and 3.00 pm for the remaining classes, as the school cannot accept responsibility for looking after children outside these times.
  • Please inform class teacher if your child is being collected by someone other than parent or guardian.
  • Children are not allowed to leave the school grounds, unless collected by a parent or guardian.
  • Children may leave on their own only if they have written permission from their parents.
  • A note or explanation is required when a child is absent.

School Uniform

  • Boys navy trousers, blue shirt, navy jumper and red tie.
  • Girls navy skirt and/or trousers, blue blouse, navy jumper and red tie.
  • School polo shirt and track suit available from

It is strongly recommended that the uniform be labelled with your child's name.

School Lunches
Children in the infant classes eat their lunch in the classroom, under the supervision of the class teacher, before going out to play.

Parent Teacher Meeting
A day will be arranged each year when parents will be invited to come to the school to discuss their children's progress. If at anytime throughout the year, you wish to meet a teacher, an appointment can be arranged by contacting the school.

Contact Telephone Number
Please provide the school with a daytime contact telephone number. This information is requested on Enrolment Form.

Mobile Phones
Pupils are not permitted to bring mobile phones to school . Policy regarding mobile phones and electronic devices is available to view in the school office.

To ensure safety, jewellery should not be worn by pupils during the school day.

Medical Condition
If your child has a medical condition or suffers from any complaint that effects his/her progress or hinders development in any way, please bring this to the notice of the principal in writing as soon as possible so as the appropriate recourses may be applied for.

Educational Welfare Act 2000
The school is obliged by legislation under the Education Welfare Act 2000 to inform the Education welfare officer when a child has been absent for twenty days in a school year. This legislation has been effective since September 2002.

School Transport
Any child who lives more than 2 miles from the school and whose area is serviced by the school bus may avail of the service. If you wish to apply please contact the school.

Road Safety
Parents are requested to park on the school side of the road only, when collecting children from school.

Insurance Scheme
At the start of the school year, pupils will be given an opportunity to join a personal insurance scheme. Full details of same will be available in September. Full membership is encouraged and this is done in association with the Parents Association.